You’d think these idiots would get it.

Really? They have the majority in the House and they continue to pass this junk? Some Republicans were replaced with new Republicans in the November elections. I’m fairly certain more of them need to be replaced. I’m fairly certain Billy Long will be one of those, but first we need to find a suitable replacement. Boehner definitely needs to be replaced.

This is why we can’t have nice things…

The Republicans won their fight this election year and they voted to keep John Boehner and Mitch McConnell as their leaders in the House and Senate, but now that they have an opportunity to stand up for what they fought for Boehner has once again caved to Obama. This is not about Obama’s immigration plan. This is about the Republicans always looking for the next election instead of doing what is right.

We heard time and time again that the House holds the “power of the purse” and we were told that they would stand up against Obama, but Boehner doesn’t want to stand up against him. This is one of several reasons that I believe Republicans should quit voting in these same failed leaders. We need someone who will actually do what they say they are going to and will do what is right. Instead, we keep voting in the same liars and they keep lying to us. The country will never change for the better if we keep allowing them to do this.

I’m just glad we have someone like Ted Cruz in the Senate. He seems to be one of a very limited few who actually campaigns for what he believes is right and fights for what he campaigns on, instead of fighting for the exact opposite.

Where is the outrage?

A white guy allegedly killed by two minority teens. No outrage. They even peacefully protested and by peaceful I mean there were no arrests and no buildings burned. So, where is the outrage like with Michael Brown? Or did Michael Browns community show that they actually did not care about justice (which was served, by the way) and only wanted to steal and damage other people’s property?

Enough with the jibber jabber.

So far all Obama has done is try to flame the fire on this Michael Brown situation. Where is the talk about how he acted instead of how Officer Wilson reacted and protected himself? Where is the talk about the behavior of those in these communities vs communities that don’t have these issues? Blaming everyone else only works until everyone else realizes they aren’t responsible for someone else’s actions.

Maine is on the right track with illegal immigration.

According to an article from Top Right News, Maine Governor Paul LePage has decided to cut funds to cities that give aid to illegal immigrants. I mostly agree with this decision, especially given the number of cities that have decided to ignore state and federal laws that they refuse to follow. I have a couple of problems with this whole thing though.

For one, we all know how local governments will handle this. Instead of fixing the problem, they’ll continue to fund the activities of those who are here illegally and cut funding for the activities they should actually be funding. The second issue is that I don’t believe states should be funding cities just as I don’t believe the federal governments should be funding local and state governments. A government should be supported by its constituents, not by everyone else. For example, citizens of Springfield should be funding projects within Springfield instead of all Missourians doing so. It makes no sense for others to pay for our projects.

If the latter of the two were fixed, I believe we’d have fewer issues with the former because they’d purely be supporting their activities with their own money. Once the citizens can see how much of their own money is used to support illegal activities, they’d demand changes in their governments.