Resigning won’t stop the threats

The Blaze is reporting that Officer Darren Wilson has resigned his position on the Ferguson Police Department despite the lack of indictment by a grand jury for the death of Michael Brown. The reason for his resignation is for the safety of his fellow officers after threats against the police department and its officers. Wilson has said he was not “willing to let someone else get hurt because of me.”

The problem is that it won’t matter. Those who are violently protesting didn’t give a crap about justice. Justice was served with the decision by the grand jury based on evidence and testimony. I believe that some of the threats will continue to be carried out against the department and its officers despite Wilson’s resignation. I commend him for making the decision to attempt to keep others safe, but I do not expect it to make a difference.

My belief is backed by a statement in the article: “Many seemed unfazed by the resignation. Several merely shrugged their shoulders when asked what they thought, while Rick Campbell flatly said he didn’t care about the resignation, noting: ‘I’ve been protesting out here since August.'”

Time will tell, but I doubt the resignation makes Ferguson officers any more safe than they were immediately after the grand jury decision.

What would happen with even more background checks?

The Blaze has an article about the number of background checks that were conducted on Black Friday 2013. They say the National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS) does an average of 58,000 checks per day. On Black Friday, that number surged to 145,000.

The problem is that NICS is limited by the data submitted to the system and submitting data is not required. I don’t believe it should be either because background checks don’t stop normally good people from illegally using a gun for the first time. In addition, the amount of strain on the system can cause mistakes and, if liberals have their way, that strain would be significantly increased by requiring a background check every time a gun exchanges hands.

The better solution is more strict punishment for those who use a gun illegally. Allow people to own guns and use guns for the protection of themselves, their family, and their property but stop allowing criminals to roam the street after a short stay in jail or prison. This is not only true with gun crime, but any crime. As the old saying goes “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

St. Louis County Prosecutor Under Fire

Even though the prosecuting attorney is a Democrat, I agree with his decision to send the case to the grand jury. Otherwise, the fate of the case would have been decided by a single judge. I’d rather have the jury be given too much information than not though. For one, a grand jury does not decide guilt. They only decide if their is enough evidence to support charging the person with a crime. That does not mean the person is guilty. It only means there might be enough evidence to show that they are guilty. Most cases do not go to a grand jury and for good reason, because there is more than enough proof against the person or there is no proof against the person. A grand jury makes decisions for those cases in the middle.

This prosecuting attorney does not deserve to lose his job for the handling of this case because it was handled appropriately on his part. Sure, there were problems with the media being complete dumbasses and the governor being a complete dumbass, but this attorney did his job. That job does not consist of charging someone with a crime that cannot be proven. It does not consist of succumbing to the pressures of a violent mob. It consists of enforcing the law of the State of Missouri and the United States.d

What people fail to consider is that a lot of the testimony was from black witnesses. Many of whom changed their story when they weren’t in front of a TV camera or whose story was already consistent with Officer Wilson’s story. If you’ve got several black witnesses giving the same story as the white defendant, that really make it difficult to claim the decision was racist.

We had an election. The people spoke.

Last nights official announcement regarding immigration is further proof that we have a dictator in the Office of the President.

A few years ago Obama’s healthcare plan was passed with the claim that a majority of people wanted to move to a system that is, in effect, socialized medicine. Everyone pays for everyone else. Many people rose up and expressed their opposition, but they were ignored. Democrats passed the Affordabe Care Act anyway. One of the arguments was that we had an election and the people spoke for what they wanted.

Less than two years later Democrats lost their majority in the House of Representatives. Two years after that, Republicans maintained their majority in the House with a limited number of losses. Democrats also lost their filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Their continued to argue that there was an election and they won, therefore they had a “mandate” to pass the laws they wanted. Now, two years later, Republicans win control of the House, again, and take control of the Senate. Not only did they take control, but they won all of their existing seats and took 8 seats from Democrats. So, Obama got the message, right?

Of course not. Obama has announced his decision to ignore the law and make up his own rules. Democrats continue to use the “we had an election” line despite their loss earlier this month. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz tried to pull this line against Dana Loesch from The Blaze, but she quickly called him on it and he backed down.

Republicans must hold Obama accountable. His failure to execute the laws as passed by Congress is indicative of a dictator and not a President. If he is not held accountable then future presidents, Republican or Democrat, will be able to bypass Congress against the authority of the Constitution the country was founded on.

The rich should pay more tax so I don’t have to…

Well, that’s not what I think, but that must be what Al Sharpton thinks. In another example of liberal hypocrisy, the race baiter Sharpton failed to pay $4.5 MILLION in state and federal taxes for himself and his for-profit businesses.

My first question is how did that ever happen? How the hell do you rack up that much tax debt without heading to jail? Second, what if this had been Glenn Beck or one of the Koch brothers? Why has the IRS focused ANY time investigating Tea Party or religious groups? Oh, that’s right, he’s a friend of the anointed one.